
The Happy Challenge – Augrabies Waterfalls, Northern Cape

The Khoi people called the Augrabies Falls ‘Aukoerebis’, the place of the Great Noise, referring to the Orange River thundering its way downwards for 60 metres in a spectacular waterfall. Klipspringer and quiver trees stand in stark silhouette against the African sky, silent sentinels in a strangely unique environment where only those that are able to adapt ultimately survive. The area is inhabited by the Nama People who over the centuries have managed to adapt to the harsh conditions of the area. The animals in Augrabies Falls National Park can survive in extreme high and low temperatures. Smaller animals make use of whatever shade is available as well as burrows, rock crevices and fallen trees. The types of animals include are the slender mongoose, the yellow mongoose, and rock dassies. An interesting mammal found in Augrabies is the cape clawless otter, their presence in the park indicates that the river ecosystem is relatively healthy. The giraffes found in Augrabies are lighter in colour than those found in the regions of the east, as a counter measure for the extreme heat. One of the most often seen antelope is the klipspringer, which are often seen in pairs. Other antelope found in the park are steenbok, springbok, gemsbok, kudu and eland.Predators in Augrabies Falls National Park come in the form of leopard, black backed jackals, caracal, the bat-eared fox, and the African wild cat……

The location?

Google Maps https://goo.gl/maps/D55F4HLGS5kogxt56

How to get there?

Follow the R359 from Upington in a south-westerly direction. The trip is approximately 126km / 1 hours, 40 minutes.

Things to do?

Visit The Addo Dung Beetle Breeding Station

Best place for your photo?

Either next to or close to an elephant (or course) or for something a little different, next to or close to a dung beetle 🙂
